Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good Times and Girlfriends!

This past weekend was my bachelorette party in Santa Barbara. I can't tell you how much fun it was to just relax and have a great time with my closest girlfriends. My maid of honor knew I'd just die if she went the traditional bachelorette route of male strippers or male genitle-shaped paraphernalia, so instead we spent a relaxing weekend wine tasting and dining out at some delicious restaurants. I'm honored to know each and every one of these girls.

Meet my bridesmaids!!

(From left/back: Ashley, Kelli, Amanda, Andi, me and Caiti. Front: Tess)

Ashley: My maid of honor and best friend - we've known each other since sixth grade and roomed together when we went to the UK for our first semester of college. She put this entire thing together and truly gave me the weekend of a lifetime! Ashley's wedding was two months ago, and getting to plan everything together was so much fun! Maybe even more fun than actually getting married.

Kelli: Kelli and I met each other doing competitive swimming when we were about 6 or 7 and have stayed friends ever since. She's the sweetest person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. We used to dream about being detectives together, and now we're going to be nurses together.

Amanda: Amanda and I met at our alma mater. We had a bunch of classes together since we were both journalism majors and developed a fast friendship. Our senior year we served as the EIC and Managing Editor of our campus newspaper. I can always count on her to make me laugh!

Andi: I met Andi in church when we were both babies. Our parents were friends before we were even born and we spent the majority of our Saturday's growing up eating at fun restaurants and playing in the Huntington Gardens (where I happened to get engaged, and where my fiance employed Andi to take the photos of us). Andi and I are the type of friends who can go weeks or months without a word and pick up right where we left off. She leads a busy life as a sought after photographer in NYC and LA. I've loved getting to watch her career completely take off.

Caiti: Caiti is another friend who I "knew" even before I was born. Our dads went on Heart Team trips together across the world and her mom, Karen, visited my mom in the hospital when I was born. Karen is like a second mother and Caiti like a sister.

Tess: Tess and I met in high school when I happened to sit in front of her on the bus during a school sponsored trip to the beach. She had me in stitches the entire ride down, and I knew from then on out we'd be great friends. I always admire her sense of style - so chic and effortless - and her creative abilities. When I buy my first home, I'm employing her to decorate it.


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